Phase System

1. Newcomer

He is only allowed to move toghether with a staff member. In the first 2 days he does all house duties and has no priviledges. After 2 days he can participate in work duties and in school. He does not participate at leisure time activities. He learns the basic norms by heart.

2. Lion Cub Aspirant

Requirement: The will to contribute to the programme has to be observable. The instructions of staff have to be followed in a positive way.
Application: The nomination can be done each day of the week. The 12 basic norms have to be recited by heart.
Privileges: With permission of staff the juvenile can move around in the house and on the premise together with his buddy. He participates at leisure time activities, but not yet at special programmes (Thursday night sports or musical lessons, external activities and visits). On Saturdays he can phone his family for 10 minutes.

3. Lion Cub

Requirement: At least 12 days positive rating.
Application: The nomination can be done each day of the week. The juvenile has a interview with staff and lions and applies to become a Lion Cub. The 12 basic norms have to be recited by heart.
Privileges: The Lion Cub has certain privileges such as visit of family members or godparents (the first visit is inside the house), he can go to special on-site or external activities. Saturdays he can call his family members as well as his girl friend for 10 minutes.

4. Lion – Aspirant

Requirement: Ongoing positive rating, at least 8 x very positive, has to save at least 50 EUR on his Seehaus-account.
Application: The juveniles writes an application, including a curriculum vitae (in order to prepare him for an application for an outside job). The Lion-Aspirant is expected to always be positive or very positive. Lions as well as staff have to approve his application. The 12 basic norms have to be recited by heart.
Privileges: A Lion Aspirant can become a buddy for another juvenile. He has more freedom to move around on the premises and can also go on concerts together with staff. He can receives 3h of visits twice a month – also from his girl friend or other friends. With his visitors he can leave the premises and walk in the surrounding area. On Saturdays he can phone two people and talk up to 15 minutes. When Godparents want to do activities with him, they can do it in the leisure time slots as well as Saturdays and Sundays.

5. Lion

Requirement: Ongoing positive rating, at least 10 x very positive, has to save 120 EUR on his Seehaus-account.
Application: In an interview he applies to lions and staff. The 12 basic norms have to be recited by heart.
Privileges: A lion can leave the premises together with his visitors. After the first visit he can go on home leave once a month. On Saturdays he can phone up to 3 people for up to 15 minutes. He can participate in community life (e.g. church youth group, sports, driver’s lessons,…) if it is compatible with the programme and if he has a reliable person to accompany him. Family and friends can also participate at evening services. A lion can do an internship in an enterprise outside (in the integration phase also other juveniles can do an internship). A lion can move freely on the premises.

6. Representative

Requirement: Ongoing positive rating, at least 15 x very positive, has to have experience in presentations of the project.
Application: The juvenile applies to the lions and is voted by other lions.
Privileges: The representative receives the PFI-Pin and a PFI-T-Shirt. Every three weeks he meets with the Executive Director, gives a report of the actual situation and brings proposals for improvements of the programme.


If a juvenile has a negative rating or in case of negative behaviour he can be degraded. He can move up again quickly after a degradation without the respective requirements.